Winclove is founding partner of the international conference Mind, Mood & Microbes

Mind, Mood & Microbes is the world’s first international event to place the microbiota-gut-brain axis front and centre. It takes place every two years. At the conference, we present the latest research, thereby contributing to the increased interest in probiotics as effective solutions to a variety of mental disorders.
Bridging the gap between research and treatment
The event brings together key experts from top universities and research institutes, healthcare professionals and industry partners from diverse fields of expertise. Natural cross-pollination, that is of tremendous value to a field that is still relatively unexplored. Exchanging different areas of expertise in the gut-brain field, enables us to bridge the gap between research insights and applications for treatment in humans.
It started in 2016
In early December 2016, more than 250 healthcare professionals and researchers from around the world gathered in Amsterdam for ‘Mind, Mood and Microbes’, the first international conference with a 100% focus on the microbiota-gut-brain axis. Because of the fascinating aspects of this subject, Mind, Mood & Microbes attracts a variety of experienced, talented and young professionals from the field of gastro-enterology, psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, immunology, microbiology and probiotics from all around the globe. Now it has grown to be a prestigious event. As a precursor to the 4th conference Mind, Mood & Microbes even provided a pre-conference webinar on February 16th 2023 with an overview of current research approaches and advances in the field, with perspectives from eight leading scientific experts.